Residents age 55+, and 45+ living in hot spots, can now book vaccinations at City-run Immunization Clinics

Please note that COVID-19 vaccines, no matter where you get them, are free.

As of today, adults age 55 and older, and residents 45 or older who live in hot spots, can book a vaccination appointment at a City-run immunization clinic.

Toronto residents 40 years of age and older can book vaccination appointments at participating pharmacies to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine. Anyone age 18 or older living in one of the 13 hot spot areas, can get vaccinated at community mobile or pop-up clinics.

Eligible residents are encouraged to book an appointment by clicking the blue “Book a Vaccine” button at or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900.
For more information about what to expect when you get a COVID-19 vaccine please visit,

Currently, there are professions, medical conditions and living situations which are considered at highest risk and are eligible to book an appointment at a City-operated immunization clinic. See the full list here.

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