Category Archives: Downsview News

Monday, April 19, COVID-19 Vaccine walk-in for people ages 55+ and live/work in M3K, M3M and M3J

For Monday April 19, 2021 Only: starting 9:00 AM, the Humber River Hospital-run clinic at Downsview Arena at 1633 Wilson Avenue, North York,…
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In order for the City of Toronto to “Build Back Better,” we must support small businesses

The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted small business owners and residents of low-income communities. Last Council meeting, I moved a motion asking City…
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COVID-19 Vaccines Fact Sheet

Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD & Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)Updated March 17, 2021. [Russian Version] Risks from having COVID-19 COVID-19 is a viral infection that…
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Informazioni sulle vaccinazioni COVID-19 per gli anziani.

Il vaccino ti proteggerà dal COVID-19. Alcune persone possono ammalarsi gravemente a causa del COVID-19 e necessitare di cure ospedaliere.
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Downsview Lands Town Hall

The City will be beginning the lengthy required community consultation process which will result in the 3rd iteration of the Downsview Area Secondary…
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