Line 1: St George to St Andrew 10-day closure April 12-21

Dear neighbour, our office received the following notice from TTC:

There will be no subway service on Line 1 between St George and St Andrew stations from Monday, April 12 to Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Regular subway service will resume at approximately 6 a.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021. Shuttle buses will replace subways during this time. All shuttle buses are accessible and will operate every 60 seconds or better during the morning rush period to provide safe travel and to keep customer volume on vehicles as low as possible.

Customers are encouraged to use the Yonge side of Line 1 and connect to the affected stations by east-west surface routes.

Museum, St Patrick, Queen’s Park and Osgoode stations will remain closed during this work. All entrances/exits at these stations will be closed, including TTC connections to hospitals.

The TTC is continuing to capitalize on reduced ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic and the April school break to carry out vital state-of-good-repair work with minimal inconvenience to customers. The work during this ten-day closure, which includes asbestos removal, electrical cable repairs and structural rehabilitation work, will eliminate years of early access, weekend and platform closures. Similar closures were conducted successfully in December 2020 and March 2021.

Customers should note that masks or face coverings are mandatory when travelling on the TTC (exemptions apply). More information on how to wear a mask properly.

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