Residents Age 50+ In York Centre And Downsview Can Register For A Vaccine

Starting today, residents age 50 and older living in COVID-19 hot spot postal codes can book vaccination appointments at City-operated immunization clinics. 

List of Neighbourhood Postal Code Hot Spots:

Hot Spot Postal Codes:
M1B, M1C, M1E, M1G, M1H, M1J, M1K, M1L, M1M, M1P, M1R, M1S, M1T, M1V, M1W, M1X, M2J, M2M, M2R, M3A, M3C, M3H, M3J, M3K, M3L, M3M, M3N, M4A, M4H, M4X, M5A, M5B, M5N, M5V, M6A, M6B, M6E, M6H, M6K, M6L, M6M, M6N, M8V, M9A, M9B, M9C, M9L, M9M, M9N, M9P, M9R, M9V, M9W
Hot Spot Postal Codes:
M1B, M1C, M1E, M1G, M1H, M1J, M1K, M1L, M1M, M1P, M1R, M1S, M1T, M1V, M1W, M1X, M2J, M2M, M2R, M3A, M3C, M3H, M3J, M3K, M3L, M3M, M3N, M4A, M4H, M4X, M5A, M5B, M5N, M5V, M6A, M6B, M6E, M6H, M6K, M6L, M6M, M6N, M8V, M9A, M9B, M9C, M9L, M9M, M9N, M9P, M9R, M9V, M9W

If you have a loved-one living in these postal codes, please share this information with them.

To register, visit:

Following the Province’s announcement this week, Team Toronto has changed their vaccination strategy to include residents age 18 and older living in hot spot postal codes. We are working with our healthcare partners to bring mobile teams to York Centre and Downsview and will keep you posted on the details as soon as they are solidified.

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